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Foto: Chris Hoefsmit
Leo de Klerk (1958 - 2020)
These words from presenter Lex Bohlmeijer ( Passaggio Radio 4), have helped me to shape a desire. The desire to share memories and thoughts about Leo as a human being, Tonmeister , music buddy and lover in word, image and sound.
That is why I started this series of articles. I wouldn't call it a column, not even a column. Rather, it is a gate.
For me, writing and making music are a way to keep in touch with the deceased. They form a gateway through time.
"Gelukkig kan het nog steeds: volkomen verrast worden door een plek en de musici die er optreden."
- Paul Janssen (De Nieuwe Muze)

"Twintig vingers, één kloppend hart."
- Jeanette Vergouwen
Theatertour 2023 - 2024
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