During her own career, Marietta has had to overcome many 'bumps'. She is therefore completely dedicated in her dealings with young talents.
Petkova knows the desire for freedom. She knows the endless striving to become one with the piano and the music.
The audience witnesses a special process in her masterclasses. B oth the composition as a performer at the center. Sometimes this leads to a deep insight into the musical world of the composer, at other times to practical playing tips. We are gradually taken in a fascinating quest for the physical-emotional possibilities of the pianist.
'I don't follow any specific teaching method; I don't believe in manuals. To me, every student is the unwritten first page of a beautiful book '.
Petkova, herself strongly formed by György Sebök's master courses, uses all her empathy, curiosity and tact to get to the essentials.
A true experience for the public.